Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beep.... Beep..... (the timer is up)

This early a.m. David woke again throwing up. As I sat at the couch and encouraged him through yet another vomiting round, he finally quit throwing up. I said "Its ok buddy... just get it up"... he said "no mommy, I am done.... it said beep beep."

Funny, because whenever someones turn is up, the timer says "Beep beep." My little buddy was trying to tell me, nope mommy... I am done, I dont want to do this anymore, it said beep beep..... how sweet and innocent those words!

How often is that like US in this life? The day brings us more than we think we can handle? We are like "God... I cannot take anymore, I have reached my limit of things for the day - my thing-o-meter says 'beep beep.'" In our home its the chaos that grows throughout the day.... morning breaks free as the night clouds give way. The sun begins to burst forth and then..... so do the little feet throughout the house! The arguements over what color breakfast bowl we pick, who gets the big spoon, who eats the fastest, who is pushing the table, who is going to fall off the bench.... and this is only in the first 10 minutes! As the day continues to progress, I wonder to myself, 'today..... are they going to be nice to each other... or is it going to be a battle all day'? I can usually tell by who plays with who. If Austanne plays with James and David with Tabitha - its a good day. If the girls play together -- well the day of argueing really hits as the boys seem to walk about trying to think of ways to torture them (and yes, they DO do that - at only the age of 20 mos and 3).

Just the other day the boys had fed me up beyond anything they really had before. They did not take their nap, they made their room look like a tornado hit it, then proceeded to make the whole house look like a tornado hit it (within a matter of minutes), fighting, arguing, not eating dinner, trying to throw it across the room.... finally fed up to my max, I yelled for my husband (who was finally home but outside).... "STEPHEN! GET YOUR KIDS".... then I looked at them and said "I am leaving,......I don't know if I am coming back."...... boy did I want to say "God... I have had it! My stress-o-meter is full - I say "beep beep"..... please.... make this end!" My husband came in the house, I assured the kids Mommy was stressed and needed to go away but I would be back..... I got on my shoes and left for a nice long 40 minute walk.... oh the peace. I could breath.... I could relax.....

Sometimes throughout the day I wonder off to a distant place in my mind, well at least I try. The chaos is overwhelming.... everyone needs SOMETHING from me. My husband needs me to send an e-mail, my kids need my attention, the baby blew up his diaper, the dog ate part of Barbies head and the list goes on and on.... those are the days I was to say "God..... I say BEEP BEEP!".... really! It gets overwhelming. But I thank God that I can sit back and take some time with HIM in the midst of all that - and He says, "My child... come." Seriously, how cool is that!? I can come to Him, I can rest in HIM.... HE is my source of strength to get through the day. I notice on the mornings that I get my morning walk in, I get that 30 - 45 minutes of just peace and rest and comfort with God. It is a time of refreshment. Yes I may look like some wierdo walking down 9 mile with my earbuds in raising my hands in worship to my God as I listen to music that praises Him and sometimes even sing along with it... but you know, in those times... I don't want it to ever say "beep beep." I want to keep those times with God, through my day, through my night... where I can walk, I can rest, I can sing - and lift my voice, my words, my thoughts, my hands up to my God.... for He hears me.

So I encourage you, as you journey through this day.... when it goes crazy (as it does here everyday), that you pause, take a break, lift you hands and voice to heaven and praise HIM....because you know, He is always there.

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