Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fun times at the hospital...

     I woke this morning to James crying he was hot. I changed his shirt in the night, half asleep, eyes closed, and crawled back in bed (an art I mastered as all the kids were infants to be able to change diapers - even yucky ones, in the dark, eyes closed).... Just as I got comfy, he cried hysterically. Exhausted, I went back in his room, asked what the issue was now. My lovely boy had emptied his stomach contents on his bed. JOY.... :)
     So for the next hour or more (I lost track... I was so tired) I made multiple trips between the kitchen and the little man on the couch. We had our pan rotation... puke in one, clean it while he has another at bay to fill for me upon my arrival. Yes.... joys of motherhood. A call to the doctor awhile later at 5 a.m. and we follow doctors orders and go to the hospital. The trip was so pleasant, as I drove, exchanged pans.... dumping the contents out the window at various red lights, and praying we made it before I would run out of gas (I had no intention the night b4 to go out any further than the gym).
     We arrive at the hospital, they get him all set up, he welcomes each visiting doctor and nurse (even the lady at the check in station) with a warm greeting and showing of his wonderful vomiting skills. They take vitals, do the usual, give him some meds to stop the neon yellow stuff coming out of him, and he falls asleep within moments on me. I lay there..... unable to sleep. I finally crash at 6 a.m. and he wakes at 6:15 (no joke!).... just chattering away like nothing ever happened!
     I knew he was all better when he decided to play superman off the hospital bed.... in an attempt to tour other regions of the hospital facility! :) A half hour later, we came home and no one knew he had even been sick (......other than my toilet and bathroom that would have preferred an atomic bomb been released in there over his presence in there!)
     So what do I take from this situation? Enjoy the moments of being with the little ones. It's no fun when they are sick.... but I have to say, my little man has not taken a nap on my chest since he was a teeny tiny infant. It was so sweet getting to cuddle him and just listen to him lay there and sleep. I sat there for 45 minutes, barely able to keep my eyes open as I enjoyed the moment of my rambunctious little boy being a calm peaceful mamas boy for a few moments!
     Too often we get caught up in life doing this and that and we miss those small moments to really relish in those moments of cuddling. I hope we get some more of those moments.... minus the neon vomit, bed changing, pan rotation, ewey yuckiness but with lots more snuggles, hugs and kisses!

Psalm 118:24
"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

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