Sunday, June 17, 2012

What does it take to be a Father?

     What does it take to be a Father? Sadly in today's day and age, it just takes a one night stand. But being a TRUE father means WAY more! Being a Father, a Daddy, means stepping up the plate and loving the beautiful blessings that God has given you!
     I am so blessed to have an amazing husband for the father of my children! He is an amazing example of what it means to be self-less, to care for others, to be giving, to forgive. Our girls truly get a good example of what a husband should be for them when they grow up. Our boys get a good example of what they should be when they grow up and develop into young men.
     I had an amazing dad growing up too! He would wheel and deal and do whatever he could to help bring money in. He always had us laughing, and no matter how much stress was in a situation he somehow would make us laugh! Whether it was him totalling having a brain fart, him going into the mall with my sisters, mom and I to have 'quality time' as he purposely modeled the lingerie section.... or telling complete strangers he was Ron by day and Rhonda after 6p.m. He was a great dad and a good example of a man who can make light and fun in many situations. No awkward moments befell that man. He was one of the most interactive patients on his heart floor in the hospital every time he had a heart attack! I think every nurse on the floor knew him .... ironically especially those who were not his nurse! After his passing I picked pictures up of him at a Walgreen's the next town over and the cashier said to check them. I did, and she said "Oh, I know that man!".... yes, there was no strangers to him!
     My dad taught me that relationships are more valuable than the dollar. That family is something money cannot buy. He loved all seven of his children even when at various points in our life we were surly unlovable! He taught us appearance is not the most important thing! I remember him having my sister push his truck out of the high school parking lot because it would not start on its own. It was a stick shift so it had to be pushed to start. In front of all of her friends she had to push this hideous truck. And by hideous I truly mean U-G-L-Y! It actually won "The Ugliest Truck Contest" first place! Yes... it was ugly! You never knew driving down the road if you may lose a door, tailgate or some other random part of the vehicle! Or the flinstone mobile we had. I recall lifting the carpet mat under my feet to discover I could see the ground very easily through the gaping hole in the floor! But it was in those moments that I learned a lesson that many children don't learn... I learned you don't have to have the most beautiful car.... the newest thing in fashion. I learned it's about what you have in a family that matters the most! My dad built some great memories with that truck (great as in hilarious!) and with the car we went places and did things to bond as a family. It's those moments I would never trade!
     What a great example in my father and also in my husband of what a man should truly be! I look at my husband this last week taking on so much stress and yet giving grace out wherever he could. his employees totaled his work truck and instead of yelling at them he just said "it's okay... it's just a truck, you guys are okay, that's all I care about."...... or his employees transmission is going on his truck. Stephen got his truck back he bought for a friend who was supposed to pay for it (who never did but agreed to give it back after he fixed it, which he never did) but he got the truck back, is fixing it for his employee to use as a vehicle. He has extended grace as far as he can wherever he can... but you see, that's just who he is. Stephen is a kind man, with an extra kind heart. He would help anyone and everyone out who is need.
     Reminds me of the example he lived out about a month ago. We sat on the couch after a somewhat long day and decided at 9:30 at night we would snuggle up and watch a movie. We noticed headlights out front and peered out the playroom window. Upon further investigation we seen there was a man outside whose van had not only one but two flat tires. Stephen went out there and not only jacked the man's vehicle up, he changed his tire to his spare and went into our backyard and grabbed a tire he had on a rim and gave it to the man so he could make it home. We did not know this guy.... but for almost 45 minutes my husband worked on his truck and asked nothing in return. The man said he would return the tire a couple weeks later but never did. But that's okay.... Stephen did it with a heart of not expecting anything back in return.
     These are the lessons that a man not only talks of, but he lives and teaches his kids. To be a great father you don't just talk the talk... you must walk the walk! Father is more than just six letter word! A father is a leader, a protector, a shelter, a caregiver, an example, one who loves you even in your darkest moments, a man who can stand by your side even when your wrong - letting you know your wrong but loving you through it, someone who would give their life for you.
     Think of our Heavenly Father.... He did not just talk the talk... rather He sent His only Son Jesus to die for us! He could have said "Boy, those people sure messed it up! I told them enough times... now... it's just an 'I told you so' situation. People.... get your crap together!".... but no. He sent Jesus to die for us, so that HE could get our crap together for us! That is the example of true love! Happy Father's Day!

"I guide you
in the way of wisdom
and lead you along straight paths.
When you walk,
your steps will not be hampered;
when you run,
you will not stumble.
Hold on to instruction,
do not let it go;
guard it well,
for it is your life."
(Proverbs 4:11-13, NIV)

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