Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Can it get any worse?

     Oh these days are the best aren't they? When you wake up at 7 a.m. and you just want to climb back into that nice cozy warm place that's called bed. The place where for a little while the cares of everything go away while you rest. I have had those days (or nights!)
     The flu season... yes! My arch enemy every year! I will never forget the winter flu season of 2010-2011.... by far the WORST flu season I have ever experienced. Why you ask? Well....Tabitha wakes with the flu ... I take care of her at 4 a.m. She JUST finished up with her 'cleansing session' of hovering around a pan....(of which I felt I needed a good cleanse after).... and in walks Austanne at 6 a.m.... "Mommy! Mommy!" and that was about all she got out before the next round hit...... By around 8 a.m. when Austanne was through her worst part of it.... in walks David.... poor David.... "Mama, my belly hurts..." and yes, you know the rest. Not long after I had James toddle his way in the room.... why yes, I was blessed with a houseful of sick kids! And not only were they sick... I tried with everything I had to will myself not sick... but it just was not working! I prayed... "God... PLEASE do not let another child get sick" and you know... everytime another one did! I prayed "God, please don't let me get sick! We have 1 bathroom.... please God!" and you know what? I was joining the kids..... then walks in Aaron. The innocent in it all.... and wouldn't you know it was about 2 hours after James got knocked down with it he was hit with the bug.
     I sat back and thought REALLY!? .... Why? This was really a bad situation! I was home, with 5 kids... alone (Stephen was snow plowing.... of which kept him immune to getting this round).... and here I was trying not to be sick myself while I cleaned this kid and that kid.... and we literally took turns around the toilet! At some points there were 4 people laying on the bathroom floor!
     All this makes me look back and think of the story of David. He was running from Saul and he prayed and asked God basically like "God... is this going to happen?" And God was like... "Ummm.... YUP!" and David was probably thinking "oh crap!".... then he was like "Okay God... but what about this... like this is the worst case scenario here...." and God was like "ummm... yup!".... How much more sucky could it get than someone wanting you dead and your thinking ... Okay it can't be really THAT bad... but um.... yeah it was. But in the end, God seen him through it all and he became the king! Sometimes we have to go through the worst parts and through the hard times... to get to the good times! Like I was told when I was younger, sometimes it has to get worse, before it can get better!

Psalm 31:24

New Living Translation (NLT)

So be strong and courageous,
    all you who put your hope in the Lord!

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