Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Two-Headed bug...

     Down a busy highway, through a small town, into the countryside of Florida we drove. The roads we long, and at times empty and barren while other roads were just sand with some really crazy names! We arrived after about an hour and a half long drive outside Orlando while on our honeymoon to our destination of the day.... Bear Claw Ranch! This looked promising! Stephen (my husband) and I were pumped with excitement! Off roading is not something we can really do in Detroit.... unless it's off roading due to a massive pothole (which is very possible!) We pulled into the dusty parking lot, and as we gathered our things together, I looked out our car window.... and what did I see but none other than a two-headed bug! WOW!
     Imagine my shock! I looked at Stephen in disbelief! I said, "Hurry! Give me the camera! I HAVE to get a picture of THIS!" He chuckled at me.... I had no idea WHY he was laughing! Did he not realize how rare this was? A bug with a head on either end of it! WOW! I just HAD to get a picture of this to show the kids! I was SO excited! I said, "Hurry! Come on!!! Give me your phone so I can take a picture! Mine's already packed away!".... he looked at me, and as serious looking as he could be he said to me... "Missy.... it's not a two-headed bug.... they are just mating." 
     Oh, wow..... there went my shot at becoming some millionaire for spotting some super rare two-headed bug! There went my chance to show the kids when we did a science lesson a picture of this bug. My excitement went from "WOW!" to.... "wow...." with a confused and embarrassed feeling. 
    Have you ever had a moment like that? Where you think "Wow! This is it! WOW! Check it out!!!!" just to realize... "oops.... swallow your pride, it's not all that cool!" I don't know about you, but sometimes you just have to love those 'aha' moments from God and you have to say, "thank you God for helping me put it in perspective! For making me realize, I am me... and You are You! You deserve to be praised!" 

Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, 
    but with humility comes wisdom.

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