Sunday, May 27, 2012


     As I discussed freedom, and how we have gotten it, Austanne expressed serious outrage! She was shocked that not everyone had the freedoms that we have! She was shocked there are places where people choose not to love one another nor serve Jesus! She could not believe how some places women have no freedoms and people have no freedom to protest that which they do not agree with.
     It was good to see she understood AND she cared! She said to me VERY seriously... "But Mom, don't they know... it's not all about them... it's all about Jesus! They need to be nice!" She was a very unhappy girl as we discussed this topic! Our discussion came full circle as we talked about how it's not that the people themselves choose to make the bad choices, it's that they don't know any better. They have been taught it is okay from the previous generation. They have been taught that a false god is the true Living God. But that the best way for them to change and allow those freedoms to come into their lives, is by giving their hearts and lives to Jesus. This is the purpose of a missionary: to tell them the love of Christ. Because through Christ, the bondage of sin is broken and the freedom of life is given!
     I encourage you today, to look at your freedoms and not only thank God, but for sure take time and thank a soldier, but also take time and thank a missionary or a preacher! The soliders fight for our freedoms which is an amazing gift we can never repay..... the missionary and pastor or preacher help teach the freedom in Christ so people can be free from the bondage of sin..... and Jesus gives us that freedom! Have a blessed Memorial Day and let us remember those who gave all they had!

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