Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sheriff David a.k.a. Share-wif David

While on vacation my husband and I picked up an awesome gift for our 4 year old son David. The gift.... a badge that reads "Sheriff David". We presented it to David and he was so proud to wear it. We were not surprised considering he wants to be a fireman when he grows up, so anything with a badge just says AWESOME in his mind!

I took the kids for a bike ride later in the day and David amazingly rode without his training wheels for the first time! Sheer joy was the expression of everyone! For the fun of it, I had him try his six year old sister's bike. Joy was not her expression to say the least. The typical arms crossed, disgruntled looking face was what I was met with as she let him try her bike out. David was in an earthly heaven while his sister was experiencing what she felt was torture.... she had to share! He returned her bike, rode his and everyone was happy.... for the most part.

Upon arriving home, David scrambled to his room, grabbed his badge and had me pin it on him. He then ran up to his sister and said "Look Austanne! Look! It says SHARE-WIF David!..... So that means you have to share wif me!"

I had to laugh! Wow! He really thought that was what his badge meant! He really believed if he wore that badge she would have to share her bike with him! Funny thing was, it was not at all what the badge meant! It struck me then, how often do we look at something and say with full belief "THIS IS WHAT IT MEANS!" but yet we are dead wrong? How often do we twist and contort things to look or appear to be a certain way yet they really are not that way at the root? I know I have been guilty of this. It reminds me of a time at summer camp as a teen, when the preacher said "selective obedience is disobedience." That has stuck with me for over 15 years now as its true.

Sometimes we choose to be selective in what we say, selective in how we obey, selective in what we do. I encourage you to be obedient, to share the truth, follow the truth, and keep it real!

Ephesians 4: 15-16

15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16  from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

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