Saturday, May 26, 2012

Embarrassing moments.....

     Lined up at the starting line were David, Tabitha, James, Austanne, two neighbor kids, and three other girls from the neighborhood. All waiting for me to say "GO!" ....then in the silence .... in the most waited for words we all heard it.... "pffftttt." 
     Quickly all the heads in the line turned and looked. A quick glare from all directions came my way as I innocently looked down.... at the child hidden behind my legs. "Who did it?" a little girl asked... I looked over and said, "well... I don't think we have to wonder WHO for too long!" We all observed James in hiding with face all red of embarrassment! Funny, even a two year old found it embarrassing to fart in public! 
     In life, it's never fun to be the one who does something embarrassing infront of everyone else! It's never fun to be the one in church who may have nodded off for a second or two and then suddenly realized it giving a shout of "Amen!" to sound more spiritual only to realize the preacher just read "Let her be like a loving, female deer. Let her breasts please you at all times... from Proverbs 5:19-20.... or to be the lady at church who gets up to sing a solo Easter - the most church packed day of the year, to discover your dress had somehow became tucked in your pantyhose in the back.... yes those moments are never fun! It's in those times you want to hide!
     I recall moments of embarrassment for me! Moments where my kids embarrassed me (licking their plate in a restaurant), me embarrassing myself (7 months pregnant in the truck with my husband confused how my boots had gotten in his truck, only to realize I was wearing them!) or just embarrassed maybe from past mistakes of failures (when we had lost our home to foreclosure). 
     See, those are things where yes, we are embarrassed but it's more of a pride thing.... or a blonde moment thing. But there are times when we should not be embarrassed but be bold. I encourage you to take a stand, and not be embarrassed or ashamed of Jesus, but stand tall in Him.... don't hide behind the preachers legs in fear of others laughing at you.... but share the good news about Jesus! For it is Him and through Him that we can face anything! And it is through Him we can face the embarrassment and shame we may feel from all of our past failures... and even our future ones!


"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."
Romans 1:16 ESV

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